Campsites -Tent Camping/Water/LatrineĀ
- Apache
- Arapaho
- Chippewa
- Cherokee
- Mandan
- Mohican
- Seneca
- Shawnee
- Shoshone
- Sioux
- $20 Weekend
Dining Hall and Kitchen
- capacity 50/Electric/Water/Indoor Bathroom
- $90 Weekend
Ken Moore Shelter
- Water/Electric/Indoor Bathroom
- $40 Weekend
Adirondacks/Trail Shelters
- capacity 16/Water
- $20 Weekend
Health Lodge and Hilton/Staff Building NOT AVAILABLE
- capacity 10/Bunks/Electric/Water/Indoor Bathroom
- $80 Weekend
Fort Steuben Scout Reservation
79601 Adams Rd. Freeport OH 43973
Visit the Summer Camp Website: http://www.fssr-bsa.org/