
Executive Board

The executive board is the functioning governing group elected to take the necessary action to achieve the purposes of Ohio River Valley Council. It establishes the council program and carries out the resolutions, policies, and activities voted on by the Council. It determines policy for the Council in accordance with its delegated authority, and within the context of the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America. The board protects the long-range future of Scouting in the community.

rosters as of 5/23/2024

Council Officers & Executive Committee

Executive Board Members

  • Chris Berhalter
  • Jeff Blake
  • Franco Carapellotti
  • Nina Cleaver
  • Carolyn Clements
  • Mike Cross
  • Scott Cunningham
  • Dan Eaton
  • Peter Ehni
  • Adam Fletcher
  • Betsy Frohnapfel
  • Jeremiah Gardner
  • Mike Goclan
  • Rick Greenwood
  • Jim Herman
  • Bob James
  • Dr. Vince Kolenich
  • Tony Martinelli
  • Ed Mowrer
  • Craig O’Leary
  • Catherine Poludniak
  • Jason Poludniak
  • Dr. Jeff Rohde
  • Jim Rose
  • Bethany Schunn
  • Erikka Storch
  • Melinda Thompson
  • Travis Wade
  • Bill Wilmoth

Advisory Committee Members

  • Susie Nelson
  • Ann Rose