
Order of the Arrow

2024 Lodge Officers

Youth Officers:

Lodge Chief —Maddy Y.
Executive Vice-Chief —John Y.
Vice-Chief of Records   —Pierce L.
Vice-Chief of Communications—Sadie Q.
Vice-Chief of Ceremonies —Gabe Ya.
Vice-Chief of Public Service–Kyle W.
Vice-Chief of Program—Open

Adult Advisers:

Lodge Adviser:  Beth Yaron, (304) 815-2059 | [email protected]
Lodge Staff Adviser:  (304) 277-2660 | [email protected]

2024 Event Calendar

  • Spring Fellowship Day        March 8-9-10 2024 at FSSR
  • Vigil Night  April 5-6, 2024 At FSSR
  • Conclave May 17-19, 2024        
  • Spring Ordeal  May 31-June 1-2, 2024 at     FSSR
  • NOAC-Colorado July 29-August 3
  • Summer Ordeal August 16-17-18 at FSSR
  • Fall Fellowship September 13-14-15 at FSSR
  • Otter-All September 20-21-22 at FSSR
  • Leadership Forum November 1-2-3 at Camp Lazarus
  • Winter Banquet 2024 December 7

Lodge Executive Committee Meetings and Trainings

  • Jan 15, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation
  • Feb 11, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation
  • Mar 9, 9 AM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation (at Spring Fellowship)
  • Apr 14, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation
  • May 7, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation
  • Jun 2, 9 AM, Fort Steuben Scout Reservation (at Spring Ordeal)
  • Aug 18, 9 AM, Fort Steuben Scout Reservation (at Summer Ordeal)
  • Sep 15, 9 AM, Fort Steuben Scout Reservation (at Fall Fellowship)
  • Oct 13, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation
  • Nov 9, 2 PM, Sandscrest Scout Reservation

Memorial Day Flag Placement
May 27

Powhatan Point, Upper and Lower Wegee Creek, and Lockwood Cemeteries.

Welcome New
Ordeal Members

Ceremonies Team

2022 NOAC Contingent

2022 OA Section C4 Conclave

Onondaga Lodge was awarded the Spirit Stick!

2022 OA Section C4 Conclave

National Order of the Arrow Service Award Recipient


AWARDS COMMITTEE:  Compiles list of awards to be presented to Lodge members at the Winter Banquet.

PATCH DESIGN COMMITTEE:  Creating new patch designs.

AIA COMMITTEE:  Responsible for AIA Weekend and nominating AIA person for FSSR Summer Camp to oversee Call-out Ceremonies an OA Summer Welcome Fellowship.

EVENTS COMMITTEE:  Plans Fellowship Weekends and certain aspects of Ordeal Weekends.

WINTER BANQUET COMMITTEE:  Assist with planning the Lodge Winter Banquet each year.

CULINARY COMMITTEE:  Responsible for menu planning and preparing all meals for Lodge events

HISTORY COMMITTEE:  Maintains notes and data to update the Lodge history book.

VIGIL COMMITTEE:  Plans vigil Night and must be a Vigil Honor member.

RECORDS COMMITTEE:  Keeps membership information updated and responsible for notes and minutes of monthly Lodge forums.

BROHTERHOOD COMMITTEE:  Assist Ordeal members to complete their Brotherhood honor in the Lodge.

UNIT ELECTIONS COMMITTEE:  Responsible for contacting troops and conducting elections.

TRAINING COMMITTEE:  Conducts and manages training at Lodge fellowship events.

SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE:  Responsible for flow of Lodge information on Facebook and through emails.

NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE:  Compiles Lodge information to produce Smoke Signals and News and Notes for the Council Trailblazer.

ELANGOMAT COMMITTEE:  Train new Elangomats and maintain the program for Ordeals. Responsible for selection of Elangomats for each Ordeal.

REGALIA COMMITTEE:  Responsible for maintaining regalia for use at AOL, Cross-overs and all ceremonies.

Catch us on

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onondaga36/

Check the Council Calendar for all up coming events

Smoke Signals