
This Scout Dad Makes a Terrific Case to Join Cub Scouting

Posted on September 16, 2015 on CubScouts.org

Just outside of Minneapolis is the community of Prior Lake. And its local newspaper, the Prior Lake American, recently published a letter with which we’re over the moon about, titled “Cub Scouting is a great way to have fun with your son.”

In the letter, Mr. Clinton Kennedy, a proud Scout Dad, urges folks who have elementary school-aged boys to join Cub Scouting, but only if they like having fun, learning new things and going on adventures. Who doesn’t?!

Cub CTA button

Then he expressed, in part, that, “Along with a lot of other extracurricular activities, we chose Scouting for our boys because it was something we could do together.” To us, this seems to be a common theme we are seeing, and one we certainly want people to know and understand: Scouting is something to do together!

It continues, “Parents learn how to help their sons develop practical skills and knowledge used both to advance in rank and compete in a wide range of games. Everybody wins because everybody learns. Boys care most about the fun, friendships and mutual respect developed with their friends, parents and other adult leaders.”

And here’s the part we love the most. Mr. Kennedy wrote

Though it’s humbling at times to discover you are on an equal footing with a 6- or an 8-year-old, there is nothing that bonds parents and boys with each other so well as having fun overcoming common challenges.

Click here to read the rest of the letter. In our fast-paced lives, Scouting makes the most of the limited time we have to help prepare our young men for the future, while making lasting memories in the present.